FT Basic not working following recent windows upgrade

Following a recent windows (10) upgrade my FT basic (FT232RL) has stopped working. The indication from device manager is that it has failed ‘migration’. I have been through checked I have the latest driver, uninstalled / re installed etc, disconnected other USB devices, tried uninstalling roothubs on the PC all without success. I have a CH340C serial interface which works fine, but not sure that really helps.

Some help and advice would be appreciated


Try completing the steps outlined here: https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ho … rivers/all and perhaps update the drivers for the CH340C as well (available here https://ftdichip.com/drivers/)

Be sure to ‘Run as a administrator’, and see if those gets you somewhere :smiley:

No luck I have been through the instructions a couple of times including running as admin. Given the Ch340C is currently working I don’t want to touch that driver ! I have another serial interface coming today hopefully so will see how / if that works

Something is fouled up in windows, try plugging the device in and then looking for it in device manager. Once found, delete it and any associated driver files from device manager, unplug it and run the [FTDI driver installer. You might also want to reboot after installation and before you plug the device back in.

If that doesn’t fix the issue, you might need to reinstall windows to fix it.](https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/CDM/CDM21236_Setup.zip)

Thanks I will give it a go - well at least up to the re-install windows bit …