USB to Serial breakout not working - BOB 12731

I have an FT232RL USB to Serial breakout board (BOB 12731) and I cannot get it to operate. I downloaded, extracted and ran the Windows VCP 64-bit driver set (2.12.28) from the FTDI website.

When I query the COM port, I get this message in the Events tab:

“Device FTDIBUS\VID_0403+PID_6001+AB0JQGYEA\0000 requires further installation.”

I selected Update Drivers and pointed to the location for the drivers, and I get “The best drivers for your device are already installed”

Nevertheless, the breakout board is not working.

I have tried this on two Windows 10 computers with the same result.

Any help would be appreciated - thanks …

Hi joegore, sorry to hear you’re having troubles!

Try a different USB cable and see if that gets things running for you. If that doesn’t work, let me know what your SparkFun order number is.


Thanks for your reply.

I only have one micro-USB cable (the one I ordered with the board).

My order number is 5041347.


I don’t think it’s the cable.

When I plug it in, there is a brief flash of the red and green LEDs.


OK, lets try one last thing.

Go to device manager and delete the FTDI device from your computer. If the computer asks about removing files, go ahead and say yes.

Then, unplug the FTDI, [download this zip file, unzip it and run the CDM21228_Setup.exe file. (That’s an auto installer for FTDI drivers.)

Once you’ve done that and the installation completes, try plugging the board back in and see if the computer recognizes it as a COM port. (You might need to unplug and replug it one time for everything to install correctly.)

If it doesn’t show up as a COM port after that, send me a private message and I can work more with you there.](

Still not working - how do I send a private message?