I am trying to use the FT231X Breakout to connect to the Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v using Mac OS Catalina 10.15.5. I followed the FTDI VCP driver installation guidelines on the ftdichip website, and have confirmed that the driver is loaded. However, when I plug the FT231X breakout into the USB port, no devices appear in the /dev folder (nor in the Port menu in Arduino IDE). I looked for a native Apple FTDI driver because I saw this sometimes has to be unloaded, but did not find one.
I also went through the same procedure on Windows 7 and Windows 10 computers, and the FT231X never shows up in the device manager when plugged in, even after installing appropriate FTDI VCP drivers. The only message I got was the Windows 10 machine periodically telling me that there was a device connected that could not be recognized.
I tried two different USB cable and a few different USB ports on each computer.
Can anyone provide advice on how to proceed?
Thank you!