FT231X Breakout not recognized


I am trying to use the FT231X Breakout to connect to the Arduino Pro Mini 3.3v using Mac OS Catalina 10.15.5. I followed the FTDI VCP driver installation guidelines on the ftdichip website, and have confirmed that the driver is loaded. However, when I plug the FT231X breakout into the USB port, no devices appear in the /dev folder (nor in the Port menu in Arduino IDE). I looked for a native Apple FTDI driver because I saw this sometimes has to be unloaded, but did not find one.

I also went through the same procedure on Windows 7 and Windows 10 computers, and the FT231X never shows up in the device manager when plugged in, even after installing appropriate FTDI VCP drivers. The only message I got was the Windows 10 machine periodically telling me that there was a device connected that could not be recognized.

I tried two different USB cable and a few different USB ports on each computer.

Can anyone provide advice on how to proceed?

Thank you!

Can you try restarting your Mac for due diligence?

Thanks for the reply. It is working now. There were two problems: the USB cable (I tried a few more and one finally made the device show up on Windows); on the Mac, I had disabled SIP in order to load the driver, but for whatever reason it would not work until I invalidated the kext cache and re-enabled SIP based on instructions here : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/508 … igh-sierra.

Hopefully this will help someone else trying to run this on Catalina

That’s a great tip, thanks for sharing!