I’m using: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9873
SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V
I have it properly soldered to my WAV Trigger
I used my USB to Mini-B data cable, the FTDI lights up, I hear the USB: Connected sound, and it shows up in Management as USB Serial Port (COM6).
Am I supposed to be able to interact with this from my desktop or is this strictly through an arduino or some such?
I’ve launched the WTConfig_win_v200b2.exe and I’ve selected COM6 and I am unable to trigger sounds with the “Test” button.
P.S. I have it hooked up to speakers that have been working before I got the FTDI. Also… I think I read I’m not supposed to power the breakout board at the same time it’s plugged in to the USB but I cannot find that again (yet). Do I still need to power it with the provided wall wart?
[EDIT]: Here it is “In addition, you can also power the WAV Trigger directly from an FTDI Basic 5V by installing SJ2 (solder jumper.) IMPORTANT: If you install SJ2 you should not connect the FTDI basic 5V while also powering the WAV Trigger from the barrel connector.”
Having read this and that I have an FTDI 3v… I’m guessing I screwed myself and need to get a 5v?
P.P.S. I have the SD card loaded still loaded with its configured sounds from pre-FTDI testing still in the board. Does it update the card or should it be accessible?
Get Info under Remote Control Tab doesn’t do anything whether using Communications Port (COM1) [which is described as the WAV Trigger default port] or using the USB Serial Port (COM6) [which is what shows up when I plug in the FTDI to my usb port that’s currently attached to the WAV TRIGGER].
If you expect to power the WAV Trigger via the FTDI Basic, and have installed the SJ2 solder jumper, then yes, you need to use the 5V version of the Basic. However, if you remove SJ2 and power the WAV Trigger separately, then the 3.3V version should work fine.
Ok, so I can use the FTDI 3v as long as I don’t solder the power jumpers and just use the barrel jack then. Thank ya kindly! I have a 5v on the way but I’m anxious to do some tests straight away so I appreciate the heads up.
Well, insofar as “should” goes, it didn’t work. I connected only GRN (not GND), TX, RX, and BLANK (on WAV Trigger)/CTS (on FTDI). Skipped GND and 5V and powered it separately. No communication with USB port.
When you’re attempting to do something thousands of other people have successfully done before you and it’s not working, you’re doing something wrong.
Serial control will not work without a ground, connect the ground, NOT GRN. (GRN is not connected to anything)
Ok, so I can use the FTDI 3v as long as I don’t solder the power jumpers and just use the barrel jack then.
You understand what you need to do, do it and things will work. The power jumper is not connected by default so unless you connected it, things will be fine. If you have connected it, disconnect the jumper and it will be fine.
And post photos of the top and bottom of your board and a photo showing how the FTDI is connected, you will get better help when you add those.
When you power the WAV Trigger separately via the barrel jack, you only need 3 wires:
When you power the WAV Trigger separately via the barrel jack, you only need 3 wires:
Cool. Ok, I have it hooked up exactly as laid out in your detailed and concise instruction that were most useful to me.
I’m using jumper wires from the FTDI to the WT board as labelled. I hook power to the board and then plug the FTDI into the USB port (I have tried both my 2.0 and 3.0 ports). The PC makes the sound that a device is recognized and USB Serial Port (COM6) is available as a device in the manager, but when I launch WTConfig_win_v200b2.exe and try either COM1 or COM6 then goto Remote Control and click Get Info, nothing happens, nor am I able to test trigger anything.
P.S. Also tried WT-Remote_027_20150609.exe
I’m using WIN10 and I used the installer for the board drivers.
Attempts to flash also fail because it says “Couldn’t Connect” on either port.
Looking forward to any information you can provide. I was very excited about this product as it seemed like something an entry level person with limited experience would be able to use. I’m definitely having more success with this over the Adafruit board so far.
How are the jumper wires attached to the wav trigger?
I don’t have it propped up like that, that’s just for the pic. I made sure my pins were secure and went to the correct place.
1 - Make sure your headers are soldered onto the wav trigger.
2 - You have TX connected to TX and RX connected to RX. It needs to be TX connected to RX and RX connected to TX.
Yup… just like the meme. I read it 4 or 5 times and every time my brain just dyslexic-ified it (which I have pretty bad at times). I gave it a good hard look after your post and actually have been reading it wrong this whole time.
Getting numbers and letters mixed up has never been more of an issue than trying to get into this.
Thanks for taking the time to lay it out. It works now.
With that out of the way, I’m trying to flash the new firmware to the WT. I could Get Info and I could Stop All but “test” is grayed out and when trying to flash it says “COM port could not be opened”. Not sure where to go from that.
Edit: Well I say test is grayed out… I added a trigger and it’s there but doesn’t trigger. Live control works though. Kind of hoping updating the firmware will work out the rest of the kinks.

I think you may be misunderstanding the function of “Test”. Normally, to program an alternate trigger function, you use the Configurator app to select the desired trigger features, then save the resulting config file to a microSD card which you then have to install in the WAV Trigger and reboot. That’s a lot of work to try out a trigger option. The Test button sends the selected trigger options to the WAV Trigger over the serial port so that you can quickly (and temporarily) see the effect on the trigger function. You still have to assert the trigger on the WAV Trigger - the app does not activate the trigger, just allows you to change the trigger options quickly without have to remove, write and reinstall the microSD card.
Ooohh, ok. So… do I still need to save the init file if I can send parameters directly to the board via serial now? Do I just add my triggers and test each one?
Or does it do it temporarily? Like, after I’ve tested it, I need to power down the WT, put the MicroSD card back into the PC, upload the files, configure it, save the file, and put the card back into the WT?
Did you ever figure this out? I see you never received answers to your last questions. I too am trying to figure this out because it doesnt appear to do anything after i make the trigger changes, push the test button and the try the trigger.