gator:microphone - decibels?


Is there any way to translate the output of the gator:microphone (sound intensity reported in hertz?) into decibels? The product listing on SparkFun reports that the gator:microphone “provides a binary indication of the presence of sound and an analog representation of its amplitude,” which is consistent with the makecode blocks available (“check for sound” and “sound intensity”). However, the Electret Microphone data sheet seems to allude that the three digit output for “sound intensity” (often in the 500-800 range in my classroom) would be Hertz (as decibels would make no sense, since regular classroom noise should have a two digit decibel measurement of approx. 60-75). However, it seems that Hertz should be used for frequency (pitch) not volume/intensity (but there are no makecode blocks for frequency/pitch–which would be a cool thing to have, too).

Can anyone tell me for certain what the units are on a gator:microphone sound intensity output of 587? And if you happen to have an algorithm or chunk of makecode blocks that translates to decibels or a comparison table that would allow me to create the same, would you be willing to share? Thank you!