I think that there would be value in a general purpose mosfet power stage to link to the PWM output’s of products such as the Ardunio.
I’ve hand made a 4 channel one for a project I’m working on and have started fiddling with design of a PCB to replace what I’ve done so far but still some learning to do.
My suggestions
6 channel (to suit Ardunio), alternatively a master board with two or 4 channels and all of the features plus easily connected simpler boards with two channels and the connectors to support them.
On board 5V regulator(s to supply power to the micro, sensor’s etc.
I’ve used opto isolators between the Ardunio and the Mosfet’s, not sure if that’s necessary but it seemed like a good idea. That gives some electrical isolation between the power stage and the control/sensor components.
headers for input signals and led indicators (to show channel state)
Provision to allow simple connection of a current sensing module (or include the sensor on the board but not everyone would need it)
A voltage divider to allow for supply voltage monitoring
Maybe a switchable power supply and dataline (to avoid having to disconnect Serial devices such as a serial LCD during sketch uploads)