Gerber file format from FreePCB


When I generate the CAM files from freepcb, the files end with a .grb extension. When I upload those files, BatchPCB tells me that they only accept the file formats:

  • TopCopper - “.gtl” , “.cmp”, “.top”

  • BottomCopper - “.gbl”, “.sol”, “.bot”

  • TopSolderMask - “.gts”, “.stc”, “.smt”, “.stoptop”, “.tsm”

  • BottomSolderMask - “.gbs”, “.sts”, “.smb”, “.stopbot”, “.bsm”

  • TopSilk - “.gto”, “.plc”, “.sst”, “.positop”, “.leg”, “.slk”

  • BottomSilk - “.gbo”, “.pls”, “.ssb”, “.posibot”, “.bsk”

  • Drill - “.drl”, “.txt”, “.tap”, “.drill”, “.gdd”, “.drd”, “.cnc”, “.exl”

  • KeepOut - “.gko”

  • MiddleCopper1 - “.g2”

  • MiddleCopper2 - “.g3”

  • BottomStencil - “.gbp”

  • TopStencil - “.gtp”

  • Outline - “.outline”, “.oln”

Is there a way for freepcb to generate those or for me to convert the .grb to the accepted formats?

Thanks in advance!

I had no idea on your direct question. However page 69 of your manual does not seem to show a way.

But to address the underlying problem, you should be able to use your operating system to rename files. You could automate that with a batch file (command file). It looks as if you are using Windows, so it should be fairly easy.

But to address the underlying problem, you should be able to use your operating system to rename files.

Agree - just re-name the files!

Oh wow, it works! Thanks a lot!!!