Has anybody tried the DesignSpark PCB software with BatchPCB? The generated gerber files are all *.gbr; not .top, .bot . tsm etc.
Try renaming them.
It doesn’t really matter what extension it is. The contents formating follows industry standard.
I’m using Diptrace, and the gerber files are all with .gbr extension. Different CAD packages comes with different extension.
Like Leon said, renaming will do the trick if you are going to submit to Batch PCB.
Here are the extensions we accept if that helps you at all when re-naming your gerber files.
We are only accepting the following file extensions:
TopCopper - “.gtl” , “.cmp”, “.top”
BottomCopper - “.gbl”, “.sol”, “.bot”
TopSolderMask - “.gts”, “.stc”, “.smt”, “.stoptop”, “.tsm”
BottomSolderMask - “.gbs”, “.sts”, “.smb”, “.stopbot”, “.bsm”
TopSilk - “.gto”, “.plc”, “.sst”, “.positop”, “.leg”, “.slk”
BottomSilk - “.gbo”, “.pls”, “.ssb”, “.posibot”, “.bsk”
Drill - “.drl”, “.txt”, “.tap”, “.drill”, “.gdd”, “.drd”, “.cnc”, “.exl”
KeepOut - “.gko”
MiddleCopper1 - “.g2”
MiddleCopper2 - “.g3”
BottomStencil - “.gbp”
TopStencil - “.gtp”
Outline - “.outline”, “.oln”
Please ensure that you include files that are necessary for manufacturing.
Do you need all these files? No - you only need to include relevant files for your design, but extras or empty layers are also ok - you can also simply select unused files during the upload. At a minimum we expect a copper layer and a drill file and an board outline in a silk or outline layer is strongly recommended.