Getting stucked in the "Reading and Writing Serial EEPROMs" tutorial

Hi Guys,

I’ve recently tried to get my head around the Reading and Writing Serial EEPROMs tutorial, I found on your site.

Truly compliment worthy!!

It can solve my problem of writing float variables into the EEPROM, and it is very educational reading it.

I managed quite easily to write some text to the EEPROM, using/managing it with the TeraTerm tool.

But retrieving that data from the EEPROM is a problem.

I hope you might help me out somewhat.

I am currently working with the Arduino ProMicro and all works like a charm.

But the device is not only controlled by the USB port but also powered up by it.

I wonder if that might have something to do with it.

First I compile and write the program into the ProMicro.

Then I have to make the connection with the PM on behalf of the TeraTerm tool.

If I do not disconnect the PM, the device keeps the connection occupied, presumably.

Disconnecting the PM, reconnecting it, and running the TeraTerm does not show any data transferred. (it stays “0”)

By disconnecting, the power also is gone, making the PM reboot. I can imagine the sketch not running automatically, so that might be the fault…

Is that a possible right diagnosis? How can I prevent that from happening?



An update…

I hooked up the Pro Micro to an external power source. I don’t know if that is relevant for the solution, but I did it and it might be worth mentioning.

Again I loaded the WRITE Sketch from the tutorial, which worked earlier, so again only worth mentioning for describing the problem, or solution that is.

I “wrote” a txt document and proceeded.

I then shut down TeraTerm and uploaded the READ Sketch.

I started TeraTerm again and proceeded in all the steps.

Again no success.

I then reset the ProMicro (while I was aware of TeraTerm being on the lookout for incoming data).

The ProMicro started successfully and data was recieved.

an update…

Though it seems there is data send and received, It looks the data is corrupt.

I see some scattered words I recognize, but nothing near a correct file of data.

I’m wondering… The speed of the data transfer is quite high. I reduced it to 9600Kbs (KBs?).

I thought it to be possible the data was not processed quickly enough to get an actual read.

Is it a problem to lower the bitrate, if I tell both the sketch as well as TeraTerm to use the same speed?

anyone on this?? :frowning:

What EEPROM are you using?

Have you tried this on an Uno?

Photos of your setup?