GM862-GPS RS232 Eval board connection problem

I am currently trying to interface the GM862-GPS RS232 eval board with the Atmel STK500 starter kit.

The module works fine when it is connected to the PC (using hyperterminal).

I wrote a code on the microntroller using the rprintf function from the avr library to dial a number but it does not work

I tested the code by connecting the microcontroller kit to another PC and it displays the correct command on hyperterminal.

Any help would be appreciated

Have you tried connecting the AVR to the PC via a level converter, to make sure that your serial routines are working properly?


I connected the AVR using the starter kit to the PC directly without a level converter and it worked fine

Thank you very much leon.

It actually did work after swapping the TxD and RxD

That caught me out once with a GE-863, I had to cut a couple of tracks on my PCB. :frowning:


…at least you didnt forget to read the little note about SIRF_BIN and the second serial port :wink: