GNSS Arduino Library - v3

Hi, I’m using the GNSS Arduino Library - v3. I wish to know if there is a function that enable/disable an interface.

For example I configure the i2c port in u-center using the CFG-I2C-ENABLED parameter; i wish to make the same thing from the Arduino connected to the GNSS receiver.


I don’t think you’d have an easy time without breaking other things, but maybe start by removing the any section referring to i2c or Wire…but that will likely affect other parts of the code … /sfe_bus.h might be the main starting point;

"// The SfeI2C device defines behavior for I2C implementation based around the TwoWire class (Wire).

// This is Arduino specific."

I’d just recommend making a backup copy of the library, then go nuts deleting stuff and give it a try :slight_smile:

I can easily connect to the RTK2 board through the i2c port but I can’t connect on the serial port, even if I’m sure it is outputting the NMEA messages. The code is very simple:

struct_GPS.myGNSS_serial.begin(Serial1) returns false.

struct_GPS.myGNSS_serial is a SFE_UBLOX_GNSS_SERIAL instance

Cross post this in the u-blox forums and see if they have any answers (if you get one, post it here for future seekers!)