Hello, I have purchased the LTE board with the SARA R510-M8S. I am trying to access the internal GNSS via I2C, but when I perform a scan on the SARA I2C line using Arduino, it doesn’t detect any available device at any address. Has anyone encountered the same issue? According to the datasheet, the I2C line is shared between the SARA module and the M8S GNSS chipset, so in theory, it should be possible, or am I wrong?
Eh, there’s a lot of funky stuff going on with the i2c bus on that one https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/1/5/f/a/e/SparkFun_LTE_GNSS_Breakout_SARA-R5_Schematic.pdf
You might be able to interface with it…this thread is for a different board but similar I2C not working on F9P boards - #7 by clive1 (not sure what you’re after on the internal i2c but it’ll probably be easier to set it to just output those msgs on another port)
Yeah, I’m not sure of the overall efficacy of getting to the GNSS part here. The level shifters are there, but the unit might be in a low power mode, or powered down.
Would expect it to be a Slave device at 0x42, or 0x84 on platforms left aligining the 7-bit address. The SARA being a Master, and perhaps using the same bus for configuration of a DVI CODEC
You might want to check the AT commands to enable the GNSS, and perhaps recover position info via the AT reporting methods.