GPS-22693 (ZED-F9R) Hookup Guide Rx/Tx Reversed?


I recently tried to get a GPS-22693 (ZED-F9R) board running, trying to connect to a host via its UART1 interface.

I consulted the Hookup Guide to get going, where it’s stated in the “UART1” section that:

  • TX/MISO/CIPO/POCI = TX out from ZED-F9R

When I attempted to run my application, I didn’t have success observing data streaming out of the supposed Tx pin (CIPO/POCI). In fact, probing with a scope, it looked like the data was coming out of the supposed Rx pin (COPI/PICO).

The schematic disagrees with the hookup guide, and agrees with my test results:

The silkscreen on bottom of board is in line with the schematic and my test results, and disagrees with the hookup guide. (I’m a new member and can’t post multiple photos, see product image here)

Does anyone agree that this looks like an issue with the Sparkfun Hookup Guide? Or am I somehow looking at Tx/Rx incorrectly?


You are correct; we’ll get the hookup guide fixed shortly - good catch!

Great, thanks :slight_smile: