GPS EM-506NS will not lock on issue

Hello, I recently purchased the Sparkfun RedBoard (DEV-13975), CAN-BUS shield (DEV-13262) and GPS Receiver (EM-506N5). As well as the Stack-able header kit (PRT-11417). I soldered the header to the CAN-BUS shield and made sure that all the connections were connected using a DMM. I plugged the CAN-BUS shield into the RedBoard, then into my PC via a USB cable. I installed the USB drivers so my PC can talk to the RedBoard via the Arduino IDE version 2.3.2. I can upload sketches to the RedBoard and receive messages via the Serial Monitor.

So, as far as the RedBoard and CAN-BUS shield everything looks like it is working correctly.

I connected the GPS receiver, while the USB cable was unhooked, then plugged the RebBoard back in. I am currently using the SparkFun_GPS_Demo from the CAN-BUS documents link to GetHub. I have uploaded the code several times and am only getting a solid red power light from the GPS receiver. The serial monitor is sitting at the “waiting for lock” message.

I have power cycled, tried different Arduino Uno boards, and re-uploaded the code several times. I never get a GPS message and always just have a solid light on the GPS receiver module. Besides an RMA what else should I try?

Thanks, J

Are you trying this outside?

I have tried inside, outside, upside-down, and backwards. Still will not connect.

Hi @ JMTH007,

I wonder if this is baud rate related? I haven’t used that GPS module - or the CAN shield - so I’m only guessing. But I did find this post that suggests trying 9600 baud or 38400 baud:

I hope this helps,


Hello Paul,

I tried your suggestions, still no joy. The led on the GPS module is still solid, meaning still searching for GPS signal. Code still stuck at the waiting for lock message. So, also not receiving any data.

Time to return it I guess.