Has anyone been able to successfully send a $PUNV command to this board? or any MN5010HS based breakout?
I see the default sequences fine, but for the life of me can not get the part to respond to any configuration commands sent via C program, or via hyperterminal.
GPS conntected to FTDI rX no problem, not able to tX. Did you figure out what the issue was?
I’m in the exact same situation. Using a TTL to RS232 converter, I can read the default data all day long. I’ve tried sending an input command to mask all but a certain type of message from a terminal as well as though an LPC1768 ARM device. Neither have any effect. I’ve also used Sky Traq and can accurately read results but, agian, receive a “timeout” error when attempting to transmit any input command. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! :mrgreen:
I could connect to the device using GPSTrace which is to be found http://www.sparkfun.com/products/8266
Curently I’m revers enginering the code using a serial sniffer.