Venus6 GPS Configuration

Hi everyone,

I recently got to work on my Venus634 + logger board from sparkfun, and am having a hard time figuring out how

to configure the little b*gger. I’ve basically connected the breakout board to my pc through the ftdi chip of my arduino,

and a level shifter. The GPS is sending what seems to be NMEA strings at a steady pace, and after about a half an hour

on my desk, far removed from any windows, it actually acquired lock as well.

I am viewing all this using the SkyTraq GPS viewer software (0.4.723) that sparkfun offers as a download.

What i dont understand is the correct procedure to execute binary commands using this program.

Every command I try results in a timeout, with a popup saying the GPS did not reply (GPS device no response).

Anyone know what I might be doing wrong? I can see the Rx LED light up when I click the command, but the

board just keeps plugging along with NMEA string output.

Can anyone explain to me how the configuration bit works (if it works at all)?

Thanks in advance!

Are you sending the binary commands through the SkyTraq GPS viewer program? i.e. the commands available under the “Binary” menu? I’ve been able to send binary commands no problem through the Skytraq software. Which commands are you trying? Maybe there’s a problem with the transmit connection through the FTDI chip.

I’ve tried querying software versions and other properties, and have attempted to change the baudrate. All without success.

I’m pretty sure the ftdi chip is receiving the commands, since it is lighting up the Rx led, and the fact that I can usually reach

my Arduino serially.

I’ll inspect my level shifter thingamabob this evening… (basically the mosfet bidirectional style shifter that is often used for I2C).

Might just replace it with a voltage divider if all else fails.

Just checked my circuitry, it seems the Rx mosfet has given the ghost. Replaced it with a voltage divider as it was

my last mosfet and got everything working great.

Thanks for the suggestions!