GPS Module Details


I need a clarification of the following issues, can you please help me with the following updates,

• We are planning of using the SparkFun GPS Breakout - ZOE-M8Q (Qwiic), the webpage shows as ~29 mA Current Consumption, but the Datasheet mentions as the 67mA Maximum Current Supply, I want to know under what circumstances or conditions the module consumes 67mA Current.

• Additionally, could you please tell me what format the raw data from the GPS module is in?

Attached the Datasheet for reference

Thanks and Regards

Pavan Patil

ZOE-M8_DataSheet__UBX-16008094_.pdf (1.42 MB)

If you turn on max logging rates it’ll consume more power

The default is NMEA … no-library but if you mean the actual RAW data, I believe they are UBX format