GPS-RTK Board - NEO-M8P-2 : wiring and I2C code for Arduino Uno

Would you please tell how to wire the GPS module to the Arudnio Uno board . I would be grateful if you would provide a sample I2C code that send the data to the serial monitor of Arduino using I2C.

Thank you.

Hello samer,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Our GPS modules are largely being used with I2C systems as of late. Our Qwiic system is a SpakFun standard I2C hookup for a lot of our new products. As such you can find lots of information for this module and it’s I2C uses in the [Hookup Guide.

I2C connections are highlighted

On the Arduino Uno, the SDA and SCL pins are Analog 4 and Analog 5. So the minimum connections you’ll need are:

Arduino → NEO-M8P

3.3V → 3.3V




Lastly, the best place for example code is in our hookup guide.](

Thank you very much


The code provided on your website outputs the GNGLL. I would like to extract the GLL information out of it. Would you please advise in this matter. I have utilized the ULBox lib for arduino.

Best regards,
