GPS-RTK2 Board - ZED-F9P + Bluetooth Mate Silver

Hello, everyone.

I own a SparkFun GPS-RTK2 Board - ZED-F9P and wanted to know if it is possible with a Bluetooth Mate Silver SparkFun to send RTCM and receive NMEA at the same time?

RTCM data will be sent with the NTRIP CLIENT software and NMEA will be received by another application.

thank you in advance

I don’t know if the ZED-F9P is capable of sending and receiving at the same time, but if it is and you have a full duplex wireless link, it should work. Not sure if the Bluetooth Mate Silver supports full duplex or not, it’s not mentioned in the data sheet anywhere.

You will need to give it a try and see.

I do this all the time. Works great. I used the ublox software to configure the chip to receive RTCM, and to output NMEA on UART1 where silvermate is connected to.