I am trying to feed RTCM3 correction data from RTKNAVI to the ZED F9P using the Bluetooth Mate Silver card. I am basically following the instructions of the GPS-RTK Hookup Guide but substituting the use of the Bluetooth mate instead of the Serial Basic card. I’m running RTKNAVI from a windows 10 machine. The “connection” LED on the mate will momentarily light green then the following error message is displayed in the RTKNAVI window “(7) getconfig error (87)”. Note that I can successfully connect to the mate using a terminal window and I can successfully use RKTNAVI to send correction data to the F9P using a FTDI cable. It appears there is some kind of handshake issue between RTKNAVI and the Bluetooth mate. I have double checked baud rates on both ends and windows port numbers and I believe everything to be correct there. Any suggestions?
As a side note, I think it would be helpful to others if the GPS-RTK2 Hookup Guide mentioned that correction data can be sent to the F9P within u-center using the “ Receiver>NTRIP Client” menu item. It gives one the ability to test that feature without a second interface to the F9P.