Just got it. Hook it up to UART1. TX RX pin. There is no NMEA data being received.

The code is working TINYGPS++ for M8N.

Is there some setting I need to do via U-Center?

If so, please teach me how. Thanks.

Hi donaldhwong,

I believe that UART1 is configured by default to print NMEA sentences but I would recommend double-checking that it is enabled by connecting the ZED-F9P to u-center with a USB-C cable. Our [Getting Started with u-center tutorial will go over the basics of how to check and modify the ports.

If it is enabled, make sure your connections are correct and that the serial device you are connecting to the TX and RX pins is 3.3V logic. If you still have issues, please take a few photos of the top and bottom of your ZED-F9P and the circuit you have it in and attach it to your reply.](

Thank you. I managed to fetch gps data via your I2C demo into an UNO. Probably not 3.3V, but 5V. Is it alright.

And the accuracy of your demo flip-flops from 0mm to 32888mm, one after another. What did I do wrong? It was your raw code.


Depending on how you are connecting the ZED-F9P to your Uno, 5V logic should be fine since the I2C lines on the ZED-F9P have their own pull-up resistors. If you are using the Qwiic connector, you will need to make sure you connect the Vcc pin to 3.3V, not 5V. If you are not sure your circuit is correct, please take a few photos of it and attach it to your reply.

As for your second question, which specific example from the [Arduino Library are you using? Are you using an external antenna and does that have a clear view of the sky?](SparkFun_Ublox_Arduino_Library/examples at master · sparkfun/SparkFun_Ublox_Arduino_Library · GitHub)