Hi everyone,
I am doing this post rearding the SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_Arduino_Library example code “Example12_UseUart.ino”, for reading lat and long via UBX binary commands using UART 38400 baud - free from I2C.
https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_u- … seUart.ino
I currently encounter issues while implementing this code. I’m using the ZED-F9P on a board + Arduino Mega 2560 as CPU, and I can’t establish any connection between devices while using this code / SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_Arduino_Library.h.
I have been trying to debug this for days but can’t make it work… Would you have any ideas where the issue comes from and how could I fix it ? Have you heard of any similar experiences in the past?
Below some more information:
My wiring:
Arduino 5V → Vin F9P board
Arduino GND → GND F9P board
Arduino IOREF → IOREF F9P board
Arduino RX (PIN 19) → TX F9P board (Serial1)
Arduino TX (PIN 18) → RX F9P board (Serial1)
U-Center configuration:
I did set-up in Message view → CFG → PORTS: Target UART1 / UBX messages as protocol in / UBX NMEA RTCM 3 messages as protocol out / baud rate 38400
Arduino program 1: No issues
While using this basic program I do well receiving NMEA messages and can read them in the Arduino serial monitor so the communication is working.
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Communication IDE Arduino
Serial1.begin(38400); // Serial1 communication with GNSS module
void loop() {
while (Serial1.available()) {
char c = Serial1.read()
Serial.write(c); //Get NMEA messages on IDE
Arduino program 2: Issues
Then when I want to implement the Example12_UseUart.ino, with modifications so I use Serial1 with RX pin = 19 and TX pin = 18, the code gets stuck in the synchronization loop to check if it runs well at 38400 baud, so I’m not able to read anything further.
Many thanks for your help!