H-JTAG Server

H-JTAG is a free jtag debug agent for arm mcu. From the view of function, H-JTAG is similar to multi-ice. H-JTAG supports SDT2.51, ADS1.2, RealView and IAR. With the help of H-JTAG, you can debug arm7/arm9 through wiggler or sdt-jtag.

  1. Support RDI 1.5.0 and 1.5.1;

  2. Support both ARM7 and ARM9;

  3. Support both thumb and arm instructions;

  4. Support both little-endian and big-endian;

  5. Support semihosting;

  6. Support wiggler, sdt-jtag and user defined interface;

  7. Support WINDOWS 9.X/NT/2000/XP;

Please visit my blog for free download:


Hi TwentyOne

Yes, I know H-JTAG Server. Actually I am using it and I have wrote a summary for using the H-JTAG server with EWARM for SAM7S64. However, I have got a problem of using the H-JTAG Server under Windows 2000. No matter how I set the H-JTAG, my PC just couldn’t communicate with the ARM-JTAG. When I move the same hardware setup to another PC running Windows XP, debugging was going smooth. I tried it on two PCs running Windows XP: No problem with Windows XP.

Any specific settings should I make for PC running Windows 2000?

John Leung

Hi John

Actually, I am using h-jtag under win2000. H-jtag should work well under both win2000 and winxp. Please make sure that the setting of lpt port is correct. By the way, could you provide any error information to me?

You can reach me by sending email to twentyonecn@hotmail.com. Normally, I check this email account every 5 minute.



I’m trying to use H-JTAG server with EWARM and LPC2148 olimex board.

The debug system seems to be very unstable…

I’ve created a test project with nothing inside, except the main function. And then I started a debug session. The first thing I notice was the session begins running… And not stopped at first line, or first instruction like I expected… Is that normal ?

Second, When I stop manually and go with single steps… several messages “winrdi read R0-R14 erro” are shown.

Reading the comments about H-JTAG I think (and I hope) I’m doing something wrong…

Could someone give me some Quick start information, like the versions needed and some procedure to test and be sure that everythings works properly?

Now I am using H-JTAG 0.2 (Build TESTING) downloaded from olimex site. Windows XP and EWARM 4.10B with "IAR C-SPY RDI Driver for ARM

4.10B (". I configure H-JTAG like recommended in olimex site. And H-JTAG server seems to find the device.

Thank you,

Luis Barbosa

Hi, John,

Did you find out why your JTAG can not be connected on Win2000? I had similar situation but it is on WinXP that JTAG can not get connection while Win2000 is fine. I guess the problem for my WinXP is that the WinXP has 03BC as default range for LPT port. After I changed the range to be 0378, I got the connection twice. The first time I did debug on your Blink code. The second time, IAR kept saying RDI error. Now I can not get JTAG to find my board no matter what settings I set on WinXP. Any idea?


Hi, John, Did you find out why your JTAG can not be connected on Win2000?

No. Up to now there is no clear answer to this problem. Even though I also tried the latest version of HJTAG SERVER (v0.3.1), the same problem still there for my WIN2000 workstation. However, when I moved the whole setup to another WINXP workstation, I could debug well then.

However, that WIN2000 workstation works with a DIY JTAG plus HJTAG SERVER. When this whole setup moved to the same WINXP workstation, debugging failed! So, it seems we are just running something out of luck.


Problem solved by twentyone!

I did what twentyone suggested in his email: “configure the paralle port in BIOS and make sure that it works under EPP mode. Then, change the port setting according to the range of your parallel port.” The problem went right away. I had to use ECP mode because my machine does not have EPP mode, but that had no problem at all.

Thank you very much twentyone! :smiley:

Hi twentyone,

I’m looking for you for some weeks to give a contribution to the work you did, providing this usefull RDI interface for ARM micrprocessors.

I have worked on STR912 with your environment successfully, with IAR IDE, and now I’m moving on STR750, using the same wiggler interface that is working with the STR912 on WinXP.

STR750 is an ARM7TDMI-S micro

It is not recognized by the auto detect routine of the HJTAG server,

but I see the you have already managed ARM7TDMI-S micro.

The message from the user interface is:



The tap configuration is the default one and it should be the correct one.

I was able to read its ID code with the OpenOCD, but, even if I was able to introduce another new ID code from the target manager interface, it is not detected by the HJTAG server (same result above).

I hope your are still reading this forum,



I’m using under WinXP and it’s working fine!

TwetyOne, congratulation for the new version! The documentation is very helpfull and I was missing it in the older versions.

Thanks! :wink:

I’m using under WinXP and it’s working fine!

TwetyOne, congratulation for the new version! The documentation is very helpfull and I was missing it in the older versions.

Thanks! :wink:

I am using Keil with Hjtag 0.6 and 0.4.3 with WIGGLER. Both seem to recognize the Header board for LPC2148. But the Debugging does not seem to work.

Provided below are some of the messages the Keil window displays.

Can someone provide me direction about how to proceed with Keil and H-JTag.

*** RDI: System-Reset is not supported !

BS \main\46

BS \main\54

H-JTAG - RDI-Error 148: RDIError_CantSetPoint

*** AGDI-Error: can’t setup break at 0x00000238

*** RDI: System-Reset is not supported !

Are you able to solve this problem of RDI error ?


I’m using under WinXP and it’s working fine!

TwetyOne, congratulation for the new version! The documentation is very helpfull and I was missing it in the older versions.

Thanks! :wink:

I am using Keil with Hjtag 0.6 and 0.4.3 with WIGGLER. Both seem to recognize the Header board for LPC2148. But the Debugging does not seem to work.

Provided below are some of the messages the Keil window displays.

Can someone provide me direction about how to proceed with Keil and H-JTag.

*** RDI: System-Reset is not supported !

BS \main\46

BS \main\54

H-JTAG - RDI-Error 148: RDIError_CantSetPoint

*** AGDI-Error: can’t setup break at 0x00000238

*** RDI: System-Reset is not supported !