I have a project that involves placing an image or object inside of a covered bucket that needs to be identified by a drone. The goal is to have a bump target for the drone that is the ‘switch’ for the mechanism. Activating the trigger should cause the bucket lid to be lifted for two minutes and then set back down in a covered position until the next trigger. I have NO electronics background other than destructive behavior as a child because I wanted to see how things worked
Thus, this is my first effort in learning and doing electronics projects. I have built this project/circuit a couple of times with revisions based on feedback in Facebook groups, I’m hoping this is my final version. I have two basic questions. The first one is a straight forward… is this wiring correct? The second question is related… can the SparkFun servo trigger be used for signal only as I have diagrammed or do I have to pass power OUTPUT from it to the motor? The reason I ask this, is that the servo is optimum power rating at 6.8 volts which exceeds the max input of the SparkFun servo trigger, thus I would have to use a step-up voltage regulator if that is the case? Can anyone advise?