Help- Skinny (Arduino) uploading


I’ve got my new Skinny from SFE a week ago.

A USB-Mini(v.03) is connected to the Skinny with the Tx-Tx, Rx-Rx. LiPo battery3.7v is connected to the Skinny. USB connection from my PC with MSWindowsXP is made to the USB-Mini.

Under the Arduino(0011) menu, I’ve selected LilyPad and COMport number.

Before uploading, I press the reset button on the Skinny, and, less than 0.5 second, the uploading function of the Arduino program.

When I try to upload a program(PDE), I do get error messages every time.

avrdude: skt500_getsyc(): not in sync: resp=0x00

avrdude: skt500_disable(): protocol error: expect=0x14, resp=0x51

Any suggetstions are welcome.


A newbie question for the Skinny from SFE


Is the Skinny an Arduino-compatible product that should be bootloaded befor use by the user?

In such a case, may I use the installation steps described in the LilyPad instructions?

I’ve had no problem with Arduino Diecimila, and some hard time with the Arduino Bluetooth, especially the timing for pressing the reset switch.

Thanks in advance.


This time, I tried Wee from SFE. Arduino USB Mini v03, the same one connected for the Skinny, was connected to the Wee’s GND,3.3v,TX, RX ports.The 3.3v power came from USB Mini.

I’ve double-checked FTDI version,which is 2007-06-20, Driver

Any clues to this problem welcome!

Well, 14400 baud rate seems to be the speed for the Wee(SFE). It works OK with the famous ‘blink’ program.

The other speed values didn’t seem to work at all.

However, I still do not have any luck with the Skinny, at any speed.


I am really enjoying SFE products, for example, Skinny and Wee which satisfy specific needs.

I understand the Skinny and Wee are in the process of further refinement.

It would be a great help to me when new products, including Skinny and Wee, are introduced, if SFE could provide some sort of brief guide or explanation of differences from previous products.

Well, I am a total newbie in this sector. : )That’s why I may need such a guide or instruction manual.



Now, I’m not entirely sure what the problem you’re having is. But if you just can’t upload, have you tried removing the microcontroller on the arduino?

I can upload just fine to my skinny.

I’ve tried both a diecimila and a diprotodon and both work great, a little bit annoyed that I have to press ‘reset’ on the skinny though.

Edit: Make sure you pick the “Diecimila” board in the software though, don’t think it’ll work if you select anything else.

Hi, a_g

I really appreciate your kind comments regarding the Skinny.

I’ll give it a try with Arduino program’s ‘Diecimila board’ selection instead of the Lilypad selection.

At the moment, I am using Arduino’s USB Mini for the RS232 communication(FTDI chipset) and Skinny has ATmega168v soldered on the board. It would be difficult for me to temporarily remove the chip from the board.

Thanks a lot.


Hi, a_g

I really appreciate your kind comments regarding the Skinny.

I’ll give it a try with Arduino program’s ‘Diecimila board’ selection instead of the Lilypad selection.

At the moment, I am using Arduino’s USB Mini for the RS232 communication(FTDI chipset) and Skinny has ATmega168v soldered on the board. It would be difficult for me to temporarily remove the chip from the board.

Thanks a lot.


Heh, yeah removing the microcontroller from lilypad and mini will be very difficult, probably cheaper just to get another board that doesn’t have a microcontroller or one that lets you remove it easily. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, a_g

I’ll see if I could find another type of microcontroller that fits my needs as you have suggested.


Hi all,

I think I’ve found that the problems came from the version of the FTDI driver. All the way through, I’ve been using older version of FTDI driver which is OK with Diecimila.

Installating new version of FTDI solved the problem.

At the moment, I am using FT232RL Breakboard v3 coupled with the Skinny from SFE.

Thanks all for the comments.
