Help with board dimensions

Just joined so I don’t really know where to post this but anyways I’m working on a 1U cubesat project for school. My team is using sparkfun products cause it made things easier. What I need though are the board dimensions for the parts we’re using specifically the thickness and the highest point on the components (top to bottom if looking at a side view) if you have these dimensions could you please help. The components are: DEV-15945 ROHS, GPS-18037, Dev-15446, GPS-14986, GPS-19629, GPS-15005 ROHS, GPS-15246 ROHS, WRL-09145 ROHS, PRT-16764, PRT-14311 ROHS, PRT-17260 ROHS. Might have made a typo so if something a product number doesn’t exist please let me know. :smiley:

open the brd files (found under ‘documents’ tab of the respective product pages) in Eagle for each product to view everything

Unfortunately I don’t think board size should be your biggest concern. GPS technology (as best I can tell through a brief Google search) is still controlled under EAR (Export Administration Regulations) which causes most commercial GPS receivers to have operational limits built in to prevent them from providing meaningful data when they detect altitudes and/or velocities above set limits. This usually precludes the use of commercial GPS units in satellite applications which will almost certainly exceed these limits (especially the velocity limt). I pulled up the datasheets for the modules used in the parts you listed and it looks like all of them will cease to operate as you expect long before your cubesat gets anywhere close to orbital speeds (500 m/s max velocity << 7800 m/s orbital velocity).

I dealt with this issue many years ago when I worked on a similar project, and as I recall from long ago, we ended up having to purchase receivers from a special supplier that had the necessary export licenses and we never actually received the flight units. Instead they shipped us prototype units with the limits in place so we could test our design, then the flight units (without the limits) would be shipped directly to the launch provider for final integration.

Thank you for letting me know but I believe we aren’t sending it that high up.