Help With Button Pad 2x2 Breakout PCB

I am working on a project using two SparkFun 2x2 button pads and am not able to get the buttons to work.

The Sparkfun 4x4 pad in the project works.

I tried following the attached diagram with no luck. I read not to use diodes so I tried jumpers instead. I read to use resistors so I tried those.

Any advice on how to properly wire for buttons is appreciated. I am not using LEDs.

This is a screenshot of the project I am trying to build. If you look carefully, he has the Switch attached to ground instead of power so I am following the video.

If anybody is having trouble with the 2x2 Breakout PCB boards, here is how I got them working:

I used jumper wire instead of diodes.

I did not need to use resistors for my project but the buttons did work with the resistor attached.