Help with proximity sensor project

I’m developing a student project that could use six (6) proximity sensors in an imaginative way. See image below.

The idea is to use proximity sensors to detect which face of the cube is resting on the tabletop. Once detected, an Wifi enabled Arduino will tell a laptop to trigger an audio file. The audio file will correspond to the image on the cube.

Here’s my question. While it’s possible to achieve my objective with the use of six (6) Sparkfun proximity sensors, is there another Sparkfun product that can ‘sense’ which face of the cube is in direct contact with a surface? I seem to recall another Sparkfun product that might take the place of six (6) separate proximity sensors. Do you know of an alternative means?

An IMU might work better

This one is great - check out the hookup guide under ‘documents’ to learn more

Could you use a photoeye or other optical sensor to detect the darkness of the side that’s down? Alternatively, could you use three tilt switches to determine the orientation of the cube?

TS-Russels suggestion about the SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ICM-20948 (Qwiic) is a helpful hint.

brow also mentions

Could you use a photoeye or other optical sensor to detect the darkness of the side that’s down? Alternatively, could you use three tilt switches to determine the orientation of the cube?

This is an intriguing alternative. My objective in posting the question was in hopes that I could reduce the components necessary inside the cubes physical interior space.

Can anyone point me toward a suitable tilt switch product mentioned by brow?