I just bought one Transceiver Development Kit - nRF2401A (sku: WRL-00715). The link is here http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/produc … cts_id=715
On the webpage, In “Example PIC code”, it offers two sample code:VO1 and V02, and it says the board is preloaded with V02. And I downloaded CC5X complier and WinPic, and then I complie the sample code V02 and use WinPic to rewrite it to one of the tranceiver board. However, it turns out to be the board doesn’t work anymore! So I read the hex file from the other tranceiver board and compared it’s content with the hex file that just has been genrated from V02 sample code, they are totally different! It starts to make me wonder the board is preloaded with other code instead of V02??!!
So is there anything wrong with the sample code??? Any help will be appreciated!!