Home Security

Hello All,

I want to move past just a motion sensor and piezo and use a camera and send pictures to data.sparkfun.com. I also want to be notified if an intruder comes in via text to my Iphone. I have a large home and would need 2-3 cameras. I assume I will need 2-3 Arduino Uno’s, motion sensors, cameras, XBee shield Pro and XBee transceivers (maybe the XBEE Pro 60mW Wire antenna-Series 1) for each one since the home is large and it needs to transmit thru walls. I assume I will also need an Arduino YUN to receive the pictures, then send via Ethernet to the data.sparkfun.com. I would only send pictures if movement is sensed and be notified via text (which I assume you can do with the YUN). I also plan to put in a pass-code to alarm the motion detector (Again assuming this can be done via phone). This way smaller amounts of data would need to be sent up and allow me to have a free account on data.sparkfun.com. If possible maybe it could be set to erase data over a week or month old. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions to see if I am on the right track with parts (obviously ordered thru Sparkfun) and thought process to complete this project.

Thanks for your assistance in advance
