How can I get rid of the SparkFun logo on boot?

I realize this is in the boot loader. I’m having trouble finding the source for the microview boot loader. Can someone point me to it?


The Microview bootloader is the Optiboot bootloader, the same as the Arduino Uno. There are instructions for uploading a bootloader to the MicroView here … -microview

The logo isn’t in the boot loader. It’s in the MicoView library.

In file MicroView.cpp find the following line near the beginning (line 60 or close to it):

static uint8_t screenmemory [] = {

Change it to:

static uint8_t screenmemory [LCDWIDTH * LCDPAGES];

Then delete all the following lines containing the initialisation data, up to and including (line 114 or close to it):


Note that if you’re not concerned about saving about 390 bytes of program space, just doing a uView.clear(PAGE) immediately after uView.begin() will clear the screen buffer and prevent the logo from being displayed.

Awesome! Great suggestions and details!
