How do you get mechanics meassurements out of Eagle


How do you get mechanics measurements out of Eagle? Ok it was a battle but I got the PCB half baked but I need to get some mechanical measurements so that I can get a price for my enclosure from

Problem is that Eagle would not even show me the distance from one hole to another (corner mounting holes, not the drills). I also need the simple dimensions of the PCB – you know, so and so inches width and length.

How does one get these numbers? And do I dare to ask – how does one change them if need be? Say the auto routing figured the traces and all the other fun stuff but I am also thinking of mounting another module on top of the PCB – so I need to specify the holes for the hex standoffs and the board to board connector – all in simple inches? I need to make sure the OEM module doesn’t stick out of the PCB so I would like to leave some empty completely un-populated PCB space – just for aesthetics.

Thanks to everyone, I am sure I am a retard with this so it’s all me baby!



It’s not super obvious…

to get the location of an object, select info mode (click the “i”, top of the left-hand tool bar) and then click on the object you are interested in.

if you click on a line, you will get the two endpoints. (border lines to get actual outline size) If you click on a hole, it will tell you the x,y coords of the center. click on a component and it will tell you the “origin” of it (not that mechanically usefull with out knowing where the origin is relative to the device).

hole to hole distances - get the coords and do the math.

there are several ways to move things around. I would select a grid that will fall on your desired location. However, you need to also make sure that the object is currently on the grid before you move them otherwise it will always be offset from a grid point). I find it easiest to lay out my mechanical parts before placing and routing.

connectors are a bit tricky because you need to understand the location of the origin in the part. best bet is to use the lib editor to verify the origin is in a location that works for placement. Or fix it…

you can find x and y coords of the mouse cursor in the upper left of the eagle screen. you might zoom in to get precise location info.

Thanks Philba

I was able to use some tricks and get a distance. But that seems a bit difficult, for example how can you give drawings to the to make a box or just machine a bracket for mounting something to the PCB.

It seems to me that Egale is good for the electronics part of the process but not an entire lifecycle of a product - from schematics to packaging.

Thanks for your help


However, you need to also make sure that the object is currently on the grid before you move them otherwise it will always be offset from a grid point).

If you use the MOVE command (ie: type the actual command in the command-line, like “Move [component-name]”), it will automatically re-align the component with the current grid.

thanks roach, good to know. I usually don’t use the commands.

ds18s20, I don’t think eagle was ever intended as a mechanical package. it seems to me that you are going about it backawards. I would select the case and other packaging things first, then design the board around those specs. The advantage of doing it that way for small production runs is you can use standardized cases. this means a lot cheaper. there is an amazing array of cases available. even if you want a custom case, the circuit board design should be subordinate to package design.

As well, if you want to create the dimensions of your board according to the package dimensions, you can use the LINE command for precise measurements (instead of eyeballing it with the mouse).

not the most efficent way, but just print out the board and get the dam ruler out. Or just print it to a .pdf and send it to the machine shop, they can measure it then.

…you can use the LINE command for precise measurements…

Oops. Brain fart. I meant the WIRE command…

You can download DXF.ulp from the cadsoftusa site. turn off all layers that do not apply and run the ULP. It generates a accurate DXF file that you can import into emachineshop. TaDa!


Here is another way to measure. Let’s say you want to measure between VIA1 and VIA2

  1. Select the “Mark” command (under the eye icon)

  2. Click the center of VIA1. This action will draw a little cross.

  3. Move to center of VIA2.

The measurements will be just under the toolbar.

Hope this help
