How long will it run for?

I keep having issues with my Sparkfun RFID shield, The project I’m working on needs it to run constantly without powering off. The problem I’m running too is the RFDI scanner stops reading. the max time I’ve gotten it to run is 10Hours. I have a fan right on top of the RFID shield and the shield does not get hot at all I also have the shield connected via hardwire instead of SW. I have it connected to an ARDUINO UNO WIFI RV2. The Info from tags I’m sending to a Server. and like I’ve said it works for hours but not constantly and I’m having to unplug it and plug it back in, and at times after I plug it back in I get the check wiring error and I have to unplug it again and back in to get it to clear that error. any ideas of what I’m doing wrong or what could be happening.?

Also is there a max amount of Tags that it will read constantly at the same time. I have put up to 6 tags at the same time and the more tags I put the more CRC error I get on the serial port. (any way I can avoid these?) it will still read the tags but the amount of CRC error is way more than the actual tags read. My project requires 5-6 tags constantly being read without stopping, The tags themselves might be different but at all times there can be 5-6 tags being constantly read. thank you in advance.