How to access the Apollo ADC for my analog input on the SparkFun Edge


I’m having a hard time finding documentation on how to access the ADC/ analog inputs on the Apollo for an independent custom circuit I built that does not use the microphone or camera. The output of my analog circuit is voltages and I’d like to use the ADC on the Apollo to convert my circuit values for my ML algorithm.

Thank you,

Edge library does not support ADC other than for the 2 onboard Microphones (connected as ADCSE1 and ADCSE2).

The only ADC-capable hardware pin that is available externally is SWO (GPIO33) on the Cortex-Debug connector pin 6. This connector is not populated by default.

It could be used as ADCSE5, but you need to change the library in a number of places to enable/support that.

I’m using an external ADC and was hoping to send my data to the GPIOs. What communication protocol do the GPIOs on the SparkFun Edge use? Do you mind pointing me in the direction of a few examples?

Honestly I do not know of a single good documentation or description how to make these changes. I got my knowledge by many hours of expierence.

There is also a difference whether you use V1.x.x library or V2.x.x . With V2.x.x it is more complex but with both releases there are a number of different files and tables that need to be updated. When in the future a new board libary is released it has to be done all over again. Besides all that, you have to be get a physical connection to the pin 6 on the Cortex-Debug.

I wonder, wouldn’t it be betterfor you to select A different Artemis board that has already the external ADC support.