when I added a LCD (T6969 control) to ADuC7026,meet a problem unexpected.
this a evulation board,just for learing ARM,so in this board ,there are only some features want to be achieved:
ADC0 (thermometer use the ADI’s TMP36);
I2C(realtime cloclk use the intersil’s isl1208);
20-pin standard ARM JTAG connector ;
Serial port connector (DB9-F) with MAX232 line driver ;
Four status/debug LEDs + RESET, BOOTLOAD, and INT0 pushbuttons
LCD(use T6963 control ,YM128×64F)
not use any enternal memory
I reference the Analog 's evulation board for ADuC7026,I do not know how to add this to desing,ever thought thousands times more,
"To access 128 k with an 8-bit
memory, an extra address line ( :arrow: A16) is provided. (See the
example in Figure 67.)"(in ADuC7026 datasheet from ADI.)and figure 3,4,67 :?: .really can not be understand.
I search for some help,now