i have an arduino pro mini interconnected with an mpr121 and can read on the serial monitor when one of the contacts of the mpr121 has been touched.
The code please find below.
When i want that the data from the mpr121 is being written on the sd card of the openlog what might i have to add to my code here?
Tks a lot and regards,
#include "mpr121.h"
#include <Wire.h>
int irqpin = 2; // Digital 2
boolean touchStates[12]; //to keep track of the previous touch states
void setup(){
pinMode(irqpin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(irqpin, HIGH); //enable pullup resistor
void loop(){
void readTouchInputs(){
//read the touch state from the MPR121
byte LSB = Wire.read();
byte MSB = Wire.read();
uint16_t touched = ((MSB << 8) | LSB); //16bits that make up the touch states
for (int i=0; i < 12; i++){ // Check what electrodes were pressed
if(touched & (1<<i)){
if(touchStates[i] == 0){
//pin i was just touched
Serial.print("pin ");
Serial.println(" was just touched");
}else if(touchStates[i] == 1){
//pin i is still being touched
touchStates[i] = 1;
if(touchStates[i] == 1){
Serial.print("pin ");
Serial.println(" is no longer being touched");
//pin i is no longer being touched
touchStates[i] = 0;
void mpr121_setup(void){
set_register(0x5A, ELE_CFG, 0x00);
// Section A - Controls filtering when data is > baseline.
set_register(0x5A, MHD_R, 0x01);
set_register(0x5A, NHD_R, 0x01);
set_register(0x5A, NCL_R, 0x00);
set_register(0x5A, FDL_R, 0x00);
// Section B - Controls filtering when data is < baseline.
set_register(0x5A, MHD_F, 0x01);
set_register(0x5A, NHD_F, 0x01);
set_register(0x5A, NCL_F, 0xFF);
set_register(0x5A, FDL_F, 0x02);
// Section C - Sets touch and release thresholds for each electrode
set_register(0x5A, ELE0_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE0_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE1_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE1_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE2_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE2_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE3_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE3_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE4_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE4_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE5_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE5_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE6_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE6_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE7_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE7_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE8_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE8_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE9_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE9_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE10_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE10_R, REL_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE11_T, TOU_THRESH);
set_register(0x5A, ELE11_R, REL_THRESH);
// Section D
// Set the Filter Configuration
// Set ESI2
set_register(0x5A, FIL_CFG, 0x04);
// Section E
// Electrode Configuration
// Set ELE_CFG to 0x00 to return to standby mode
set_register(0x5A, ELE_CFG, 0x0C); // Enables all 12 Electrodes
// Section F
// Enable Auto Config and auto Reconfig
/*set_register(0x5A, ATO_CFG0, 0x0B);
set_register(0x5A, ATO_CFGU, 0xC9); // USL = (Vdd-0.7)/vdd*256 = 0xC9 @3.3V set_register(0x5A, ATO_CFGL, 0x82); // LSL = 0.65*USL = 0x82 @3.3V
set_register(0x5A, ATO_CFGT, 0xB5);*/ // Target = 0.9*USL = 0xB5 @3.3V
set_register(0x5A, ELE_CFG, 0x0C);
boolean checkInterrupt(void){
return digitalRead(irqpin);
void set_register(int address, unsigned char r, unsigned char v){
April 8, 2010
by: Jim Lindblom
// MPR121 Register Defines
#define MHD_R 0x2B
#define NHD_R 0x2C
#define NCL_R 0x2D
#define FDL_R 0x2E
#define MHD_F 0x2F
#define NHD_F 0x30
#define NCL_F 0x31
#define FDL_F 0x32
#define ELE0_T 0x41
#define ELE0_R 0x42
#define ELE1_T 0x43
#define ELE1_R 0x44
#define ELE2_T 0x45
#define ELE2_R 0x46
#define ELE3_T 0x47
#define ELE3_R 0x48
#define ELE4_T 0x49
#define ELE4_R 0x4A
#define ELE5_T 0x4B
#define ELE5_R 0x4C
#define ELE6_T 0x4D
#define ELE6_R 0x4E
#define ELE7_T 0x4F
#define ELE7_R 0x50
#define ELE8_T 0x51
#define ELE8_R 0x52
#define ELE9_T 0x53
#define ELE9_R 0x54
#define ELE10_T 0x55
#define ELE10_R 0x56
#define ELE11_T 0x57
#define ELE11_R 0x58
#define FIL_CFG 0x5D
#define ELE_CFG 0x5E
#define GPIO_CTRL0 0x73
#define GPIO_CTRL1 0x74
#define GPIO_DATA 0x75
#define GPIO_DIR 0x76
#define GPIO_EN 0x77
#define GPIO_SET 0x78
#define GPIO_CLEAR 0x79
#define GPIO_TOGGLE 0x7A
#define ATO_CFG0 0x7B
#define ATO_CFGU 0x7D
#define ATO_CFGL 0x7E
#define ATO_CFGT 0x7F
// Global Constants
#define TOU_THRESH 0x06
#define REL_THRESH 0x0A