Some newbie question again.
The humidity and temperature Sensor Eval. board, SHT15, seems to need function checking.
I purchased it couple of weeks ago together with Arduino. I had no luck in establishing good connection with the Arduino USB.
I’d like to see if this is working OK or not with simple methods, if possible.
Is there any way out there to check the board with my simple digital multimeter?
Thanks in advance.
I use the SHT71, which is a very similar sensor.
Both have a two wire synchronous interface, which is the only thing you can really check. Since neither are simple DC, you’ll need an oscilloscope to see if anything’s happening.
Don’t forget the contention on the TX/RX pin, because this is a common cause of not being able to communicate. Your microcontroller’s TX output needs to be open drain, pulled up to logic high with a resistor, becuase the SHTxx sensors need to be able to pull down TX/RX for things like acknowledge. Alternately, you can use separate TX/RX pins on the microcontroller, and multiplex them with a resistor, and ensure TX is always left high when communication has ceased - TX/RX on the SHTxx connects directly to the RX pin on the microcontroller, and TX on the microcontroller connects to TX/RX on the SHTxx through a resistor.