How to configure interrupt threshold in TMAG5273


I am working on capturing relay’s (I have a relay from Zettler- 100A, 480VAC 55V, 690VAC) magnetic field through Hall effect sensor TMAG5273. Looking into datasheet of TMAG5273, I was trying to configure INT_Threshold register from the API (“uint8_t setIntThreshold(uint8_t threshold);”)given in TMAG5273 library from Sparkfun. I didn’t see any difference in my result. That’s why I checked its register address and found the register address as 49h. But if I see 49h in TMAG5273 datasheet I get something like “MANUFACTURER_ID_LSB Register (Offset = Eh) [Reset = 49h]” which doesn’t make sense. I appreciate if you can help in how to configure threshold to capture the correct magnetic field? and for what functioning the above API is used?

Eh, we have the threshold variables available in the 2nd example SparkFun_TMAG5273_Arduino_Library/examples/Example2_Interrupts/Example2_Interrupts.ino at main · sparkfun/SparkFun_TMAG5273_Arduino_Library · GitHub

Not sure where you’re ending up with 49h, but here are the SRC docs
I would try implementing those or just using the example above