How to READ ONCE 9 axis sensor data instead of read continuously

Hello everyone,

I bought an Artemis Openlog IMU recently and the unit works fine on terminal by spitting out 9 axis sensor data CONTINUOUSLY on the PC screen using USB 3.0 cable.

However, I want to use the TX RX breakout pins to send data to a NI MyRIO UART port pins (UART.RX, UART.TX) each respectively.

The problem is I don’t want to send the data continuously (i.e. uncontrolled). I want to run a while loop where the sensor is spitting out only 9 axis data within one loop iteration (e.g. 20ms).

I tried to use one of the MyRIO onboard FPGA pin to set the breakout pin 11 (falling in my case as the default of DIO(Digital I/O) is always high) to trigger logging and used such control within configuration menu to successfully turn off the desktop teminal output but it doesn’t work in MyRIO (I simply get nothing).

Can anyone please help me and let me know what I have connected wrong or what else should I set in the config menu. Should I connect 5V power supply instead of 3.3V pin on the OLA?

Appreciate your help in advance and happy new year!

Sadly the OLA isn’t designed to do what it is you’re wanting to do and other than writing your own custom firmware, it can’t be made to work the way you’re wanting it too.

It might be easier for you to get an IMU and an Arduino like the [ICM-20948 and a [RedBoard Qwiic and then customize one of the example sketches to do specifically what you’re looking for.](SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic - DEV-15123 - SparkFun Electronics)](

Thanks Chris for the quick response!

One thing I’m not clear is that it seems on the OLA firmware github webpage it clear states The sensor readings can now be streamed to the serial TX pin (in addition to being displayed in the terminal and logged to SD card)( P.S. I am updated the firmware to V1.8 for my OLA.

"Firmware Version 1.6

@PaulZC PaulZC released this on Sep 8, 2020 · 38 commits to master since this release

This release includes several improvements and new features:

The sensor readings can now be streamed to the serial TX pin (in addition to being displayed in the terminal and logged to SD card)

You can enable this feature using Menu 4 (Configure Serial Logging) Option 2

The baud rate is set using Menu 4 Option 4 (the serial pin and the terminal have separate baud rates)

When serial output is enabled, analog logging on pin 12 is disabled

This resolves issue #32"

My 1st question is then what does it mean by “stream sensor data to serial TX pin”, my understanding is that it’s same as copy the terminal output to the additional hardware serial UART port?

My 2nd question is that I found a similar question in this forum (viewtopic.php?f=83&t=49917) you replied “The second easiest way to get the data would be over UART, (serial) but even then you will need to modify the firmware a bit. Check the “Serial Output Through Hardware UART Pins” section of our hookup guide for the details on what to modify to enable the RX/TX pins.”

Can I do the same for the OLA if so how?


My 1st question is then what does it mean by “stream sensor data to serial TX pin”, my understanding is that it’s same as copy the terminal output to the additional hardware serial UART port?

That just means the newer firmware has the ability to echo the same content that you see on the USB port to the TX pin.

My 2nd question is that I found a similar question in this forum (viewtopic.php?f=83&t=49917) you replied “The second easiest way to get the data would be over UART, (serial) but even then you will need to modify the firmware a bit. Check the “Serial Output Through Hardware UART Pins” section of our hookup guide for the details on what to modify to enable the RX/TX pins.” Can I do the same for the OLA if so how?

That’s a different product and the firmware is setup differently on that product than on the OLA. It would be possible to duplicate how the other board functions on the OLA, but that would involve re-writing the firmware on the OLA yourself. Sadly we do not have a guide on writing your own firmware.