How to run a motor from a main board single? Do I need a double?

Hi! :slight_smile: I’m in way over my head with something I think is pretty simple. Figured I’d ask a quick question.

My goal is to make a device which can run a motor at a configurable interval and to allow the configuration to be modified while out in nature.

I ordered the SparkFun Blues Wireless MicroMod Starter Kit as a means of achieving the remote configurability. This is all working great - no issues. Notably, it comes with a Main Board - Single and an STM32 processor.

I also ordered some basic hardware to play around with a motor. I have:

  • - Motor Driver - Dual TB6612FNG (with Headers)
  • - Hobby Motor with Encoder - Metal Gear (DG01D-E)
  • As well as a basic breadboard, jumper wires, and battery holder.

    I can turn the motor on/off from the breadboard fine, but I don’t understand how I am supposed to connect the Motor Driver to my Main Board. I think I am supposed to connect PWMA, AIN1, AIN2, and STBY to a PWM GPIO pin and three other GPIO pins, but I have no idea how to do that or if this board actually supports that functionality.

    I looked at a YouTube tutorial for running a motor using an Arduino Uno ( It looks like that device has clear female slots that I could connect my wires into, but I don’t see those on the Main Board - Single. When I reviewed the product guide on the main board - single I heard some notes about some connectors only being available on the double ( I don’t think I need two function boards, but maybe I am missing those ports?

    Additionally, in the hookup guide for the main board, I read:


    Certain processors have limited GPIO (e.g. SAMD51, ESP32, and STM32 to name a few) and so these alternative power enable pins have been provided.

    and I wasn’t sure if “limited GPIO” was an issue here.

    Anyway, sorry for the completely naïve question. Am I able to achieve what I want using this board? Do I need the double? Do I need some adapter? Am I completely off the mark?

    Thanks for your time

    EDIT: oh, one more thing, I don’t have a need to control the motor’s speed. It can be really dumb. I just need to turn a motor on, run it for a few seconds, and turn it off. I think this might make the setup simpler?

    EDIT2: do I want this?! It looks like this is a qwiic motor driver? so I could connect this to the qwiic port on my board and run the motor that way?

    Still doing some research here and going to keep tacking on some info.

    My actual goal is to run a motor like this: and it says it wants 1.5A but the Qwiic Motor Driver only wants to do 1.2A steady // 1.5A peak.

    I only need to run one motor, though, and the motor driver can run two? So if things are wired in parallel then I could stay within spec? or maybe this is the way? Since I just need to turn one motor on/off for 30s at a time - this can handle the amps and its simplicity is actually a benefit not a limitation! I think I’m going to go with this unless someone has a good reason not to