How would I submit multiple board files...

I would like to submit 3 different boards to be made, but was wondering if I could do that with 1 email with all 3 zip files, or do I need to create 3 seperate orders to do this? Thanks.

Also, the first boards I had made came out perfect (including all MY errors :wink: ) Used Eagle 3.13r1 and didn’t have to change a thing (i.e. config files). Just ran silk-gen.ulp and sfe cam file, zipped and POOF, awesome boards. Imported into viewmate without any problems either :wink:

put the 3 zips in one email. Make sure they have different names and that the order number is in the subject.

Also, the first boards I had made came out perfect (including all MY errors)

Same experience here - my errors included also (that's why I own a Dremel tool and 26 gage wire).
