I originally bought the STK500 Compatible USB Programmer (AVR-ISP500 from Olimex) that is here: http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/produc … ts_id=8702. I could not make the thing work with WinAVR/avrdude or AVRStudio 4!! After extreme frustration I bought a PG1B that works to program my ATmega168 – but at approx 3-4 bytes per second!!! It is soooooo slow!
Now I am trying to make my original purchase of AVR-ISP500 work. I am using the ISP10 and am interfacing like the tutorial. After reading the data sheet about the AVR-ISP500 it seems that I need to connect the Clock Output to a pin? Can anyone confirm?? What would be the correct parameters in the Makefile for WinAVR to utilize it? I am setting it to COM2. I would think AVRStudio would autodetect it – but so far its a no go. Please help if you can. Thanks much!