HX711: Power Load Cell at 12V?

I have a load cell that has a max excitation voltage of 12V. Using the HX711 it will only be powered at 5V (I think?), thus decreasing the sensitivity of the load cell output (mV/V).

Can I power the load cell with 12V (obviously grounding the HX711 and load cell together) or will I destroy the HX711?

Everything in the datasheet https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/b/f/5/a/e/hx711F_EN.pdf makes me think a voltage higher than ~5.5v will either saturate the ADC or perhaps damage it

I would recommend just powering the load cell @ 5v, which will reduce accuracy a bit…but likely still very useable (this https://electronics.stackexchange.com/q … cale-board is a similar situation)

Yea that’s about what I figured. Thanks for the input

I think you’re asking if you can use external excitation. Yes, that will get you more signal from the transducer for a given load. Of course, you’ll have to ensure that the ADC input isn’t exceeded and that the power supply is very quiet and stable.