I think the SparkFun RFID USB Reader is defective.

I think the SparkFun RFID USB Reader is defective.

I have downloaded and installed FTDI drivers on my PC then connect the Reader to the USB then monitored it by the steps in the example. – nothing happens.

I have checked that 5vdc is applied to the board – it’s there

I have connected an o-scope to the Tx pin – I don’t see anything on the scope.

I have connect the RFID USB Reader to an arduino - the same as the example and loaded the following code

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial rSerial(2, 7);

void setup() {




void loop() {

if (rSerial.available()) {




Nothing happens

I think you need to send me a new board.

Do the LEDs flash when you initially plug it in?

I did not know there is an LED on the unit… I would guess then no. The PC “sees” the unit and assigns com 4 to it.

Your pc assigning a com port indicates the board is functioning.

Did you plug the rfid reader module into the USB board correctly? Does the board beep when you present a compatible card?


It sounds like it’s working. Double check your terminal program settings to verify you have the correct com port and baud rate (9600) selected and that flow control is set off. You will only see data when you scan a card and you hear the beep.

Ok the serial port parameters are set to Baud 9600, Data bit 8, Parity none, Stop bit 1, Flow control none. No beep when I scan the card. and of course no data

I did not answer your question of 8/23 correctly – no the unit does not beep when scanned. Sorry my mistake

Can you send a photo of your setup?



You only have the USB interface board there, you’re missing the actual rfid reader that plugs into the board.

The USB interface alone can’t read a card.


That’s it. The diagram in the example does not show the device installed – It did not make sense to me.

Thank you