I want to connect with a smartphone via Bluetooth using "ESP32 WROOM( WRL-15663)"


My name is Dong-Geulami and I live in South Korea, so I am not good at English, so I am writing this with a translator. There may be parts that you do not understand.

Buy your company’s “ZED-F9R(GPS-16344)” board and “ESP32 WROOM( WRL-15663)” board, connect it with “Qwiic(i2c)”, and connect it to your smartphone via Bluetooth (SPP) I’m trying to use a GNSS related map app.

If you connect with the example in the existing Arduino IDE, it says that it is connected, but when you check with the “Bluetooth Serial” app, “NMEA” data does not seem to be transmitted to the smartphone.

Can you tell me the code (Arduino IDE) for “ESP32” that can connect with “Qwiic(i2c)” and communicate with a smartphone using Bluetooth?

Thank you

Hi, which QWICC board are you using? This one? https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/qw … roduction-


Connected without a separate Qwiic board

“ZED-F9R(GPS-16344)” GNSS board and “ESP32 WROOM( WRL-15663)” Bluetooth board are directly connected with Qwiic connect