There is what seems might be a good I2C LCD display for small projects: … -FBW-3V-ND
With Backlight … FBW-3V3-ND
3 volt only - it uses two 1uF caps to generate higher voltage across the connector. But there is the problem, the connector is 1.5mm spacing. Hard to find. And you do need the caps (and maybe pull-up the reset line).
Speaking of I2C, it would help if sparkfun would standardize the connection for the 4 main pins, so I could just use a bus connection and plug in and have Vcc (3-3.3v), Ground, SDA, and SCL all common.
I would suggest something similar for things with serial ports (the Venus modules would be nicer if I could use a FTDI breakout). Or maybe do a second connector on the FTDI with just the 4 (Vcc GND RxD TxD) such that any UART module can plug in.