Morning, I am new to this forum so howdy folks
I am running the Arduino 1.8.0 IDE on Windows 7 ( probably irrelevant).
I am messing around with a project that will potentially use 20 arduino i2c slaves to drive a whole bunch of led arrays
I am looking at the Leonardo pro micro (5v) (LPM) which in most ways is ideal for my needs ( low cost and DIL package ).
I have hit a snag, I2C works just fine as a master, but will not work as a slave.
I have tried it with another LPM as master and also with with a arduino uno as master. no receive event is generated. I have confirmed that my wiring and sketch works fine, if I run the receiver on the Uno and the master on the LPM it works fine.
I also have the LPM working as a master with a BMP180 weather sensor.
I don’t have the experience to hack the source libs, so has anybody found a way to get the LPM to work as a slave, or suggest an alternative low cost tiny arduino compat that has working I2C
kind regards