I2S driver issue with ESP32-WROOM Thing plus C and WM8960 audio codec breakout

I am having some issues connecting a WM8960 audio codec breakout board to a ESP32-WROOM Thing plus C. I am following the VM2020 MEMS microphone hookup guide which uses a IoT RedBoard - ESP32. I have followed the note to change the GPIO assignments in the example code for the i2s connections since I am using a different board.

Upon compiling I get the error message: driver/i2s.h: No such file or directory

In the boards manager for arduino IDE I have the latest version (2.2.1) of Sparkfun Apollo3 Boards installed and have successfully used the Thing for numerous projects.

I have installed a couple of i2S libraries that I found but nothing seems to be compatible l. I have also ordered an IoT RedBoard - ESP32 in case I can’t get it working on the ESP32-WROOM Thing plus C . But, I really would like it to work on the Thing.

Can anyone confirm that I should be able to get this to work on the Thing? If so, could you provide some help with the i2s driver issue I am having?

I had the wrong board definition, I have changed it to ESP32 Arduino : Sparkfun ESP32 Thing Plus C and no longer have the issue of the i2s driver not being found.

However, I believe I have the wrong GPIO pin assignments.

Looking at the esp32_soc_datasheet there is this note:

" I2S0_CLK and I2S1_CLK can only

be mapped to GPIO0, U0RXD (GPIO3), or

U0TXD (GPIO1) via IO MUX by selecting

GPIO functions CLK_OUT1, CLK_OUT2,

and CLK_OUT3."

I don’t see that these pins are broken out to be used on the Thing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ll report back if I can get this Thing to work too…

I can get it to succesfully compile and upload. The error message I get in the Serial monitor after resetting is this:


configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee


mode:DIO, clock div:1



ho 0 tail 12 room 4


entry 0x400805e4

The device did not respond. Please check wiring.

Are you able to fix the problem?

I am also trying to connect the audio codec WM8960 breakout board with the ESP32 WROOM development board using I2C connectors as mentioned in the Hook-up Guide but, I have not been successful.

My ESP32 board is identifying other I2C boards like the humidity sensor module but is unable to identify the WM8960 board