Importing older Eagle libraries to Altium

I am looking to import the SparkFun RedBoard ([DEV-13975) and the SparkFun microSD Shield ([DEV-12761) from Eagle to Altium. Altium makes this pretty easy with designs made with Eagle 6+, however both Eagle files provided for these boards are using earlier versions of Eagle, I believe 5.11. I am able to get resolve this issue by opening and overwriting the files with Eagle 9.4.2, this is not the problem.

I am having issues with importing the SparkFun libraries to Altium. When the provided SparkFun libraries were updated to Eagle 6, it appears that some libraries were removed. Eagle reports it is missing the SparkFun.lbr, SparkFun-Passives.lbr, and SparkX.lbr. I can see the SparkFun.lbr in the pre-Eagle 6.0 github page, but I cannot find the other two directly from SparkFun (I can on 3rd-Party github pages). Additionally, when I import the SparkFun.lbr file into Altium, I get an outdated library error, I am assuming from the fact the library was made for Eagle 5.11.

There are three ways I can think of that could solve this issue.

1.) Find an updated version of the 2 Eagle PCB files using the Eagle 6 libraries.

2.) Find Eagle 6 versions of the 3 missing Eagle libraries.

3.) Find and try to manually update the 3 “missing” Eagle libraries to work with Eagle 6.

I wondering which options would be the easiest, or even possible. For options 3, is it okay to use libraries made for different Eagle versions in the same project?

There is a lot of version and program swapping here, please let me know if I can clarify anything. Any ideas would be much appreciated!](SparkFun microSD Shield - DEV-12761 - SparkFun Electronics)](