Installation of Apollo3 Boards into Arduino Board manager on Raspberry Pi

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 (Running the latest Buster release) that I would like to use to program SparkFun RedBoard Artemis. I got the URL added into the board manager, but when I click on install for the Apollo3 Boards I get an Error message “Tool arm-none-eabi-gcc is not available for your operating system.”

Looking for any packages that have this apt rpeorted ubertooth-firmware and ubertooth-firmware-source both had it. After installation same message. I also tried the eabi latest update:

wget … ux.tar.bz2

tar -xvf gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q1-update-armv7l-linux.tar.bz2

sudo cp -r gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q1-update/* /usr/

Same result even after reboot. The other SparkFun board load fine into the Arduino IDE running on a Raspberry Pi.

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks :slight_smile:

The error you are seeing is generated by Arduino - installing GCC yourself (through a package manager or otherwise) won’t work because Arduino won’t know about it. Instead we need to include support as part of the Arduino core. (See [this issue on the GitHub repo)

Actually we recently switched to relying on Arduino’s distribution of GCC tools so it would be relatively simple to add additional support, as long as other ARM microcontrollers already have that support.

Can you confirm, for example, that you are able to use your Pi3 to compile code for boards like SAMD? If so that would indicate that we have a simple path to support Artemis on Pi3.](Support Additional Host Systems · Issue #58 · sparkfun/Arduino_Apollo3 · GitHub)

Any solution to this yet? I have same problem with Raspberry Pi 4 running Arduino 1.8.12 under Rasbian. Clicking on “Install” for the Sparkfun Apollo3 Boards gives the error: “Tool arm-none-eabi-gcc is not available for your operating system.”